HBI232-MKII Cartridge set
HBI232-MKII Cartridge Set


HBI232-MKII Cartridge
HBI232-MKII Cartridge


HBI232-MKII Inside the box

HBI232-MKII is a RS232 Serial communication cartridge interface for MSX

. With this cartridge you can connect your MSX to a PC and exchange information, files, and datas.
. You can connect 2 MSX computers together, and send from one to another files and data directly from the Basic user interface.
. You can connect, external devices, like Video Recorder, Lasder Disc player, DVD player, and control them from MSX Basic
. You can connect and use, modem, or any device with a serial interface, like Raspberry PI, or any electronic device with a serial interface (Need a RS232 to TTL adapter).

HBI232-MKII Features

. Konami size form factor
. Use a standard DB9 female connector
. Speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 , 19200 Bauds
. MSX Basic functions in ROM enable any MSX to use MSX Basic Rs232 specific functions


. Konami size cartridge with DB9 conenctor
. Plastic box with color cover
. 50 pages manual.
. A download link for BitCOM communication software
. A download link for Serial Mouse Driver

BitCOM communication software for PC

BitCOM RS232
BitCOM is a Windows application that enable you to control, or send file, data, or anything you want directly to your MSX thru RS232.
. BitCOM is easy to use, with a friendly user interface.
. You can send files or data directly from your PC to MSX memory, or a MSX drive, or to MSX screen.
. You can send .bin or .rom file (up to 48K rom) to MSX
. You can take control of your MSX thru Basic and Script
. You can download files from the MSX to the PC hard-drive

BitCOM is compatible with windows XP and windows 7 (Not tested with upper windows versions)

Serial Mouse driver

Before USB age, there was serial Mouse !
HBI232-MKII comes with a serial mouse driver. sSe any PC serial mouse directly in Basic to move the MSX Cursor while your are programing your MSX !

Where to buy this cartridge ?

The price of the cartridge set is 69 Euros + Shipping. You can buy at Repro-Factory webshop

Download Section


.HBI232-MKII Manual + BitCOM Manual

.RS232 Basic instructions Manual



.BitCOM V0.6d for HBI232-MKII
Transfer sofware for PC (Windows XP or Windows 7)


.Serial Mouse Driver
(Execute from Basic to install/Uninstall Driver)

.Rtest Program
(Run it on MSX to check HBI232-MKII integrity )

Last update 06/05/2015

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HBI232-MKII plug in MSX2


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